Capitalism and cheapening of goods, making this world as shoddy as particle wood. Sure someone else will do the same job for less, and the out come is garbage, but I do digress.
I hate how we've become a society of penny pinching squatters, teaching these lessons to our sons and daughters.
What happened to value and getting your worth? It's been replaced with fillers and what's even worst, is we sit and complain that it's never enough, we want it bigger and better, with bells and whistles and stuff. Only paying the minimum, but wanting to squeeze, every single ounce of hard work from you and from me.
It's all about profit, and margin of error, but how can you make profit if no body cares? Pay me what I'm worth and you'll have a good worker. Pay me minimum wage, get a sloth like bezerker. If you pay the lowest of low, expect that back. Pay a bit more and I'll pick up the slack.
What's 15 bucks an hour if I bring you back $3,000 per day? The sales can speak for themselves in that way. Sure buddy will do it for 10.25, but when people are disgusted, there's nothing to hide. The losses incurred, bring business to a halt, it's not my problem, it's all your fault.
When you wonder why business is failing, and you've already cut wages, it's the people you have working, they're at lower stages. I come prepared, and experienced, like a seasoned vet. Give me what I ask and you'll like what you get.
If you try lying, or leading me on, I'll stay for a moment, but tomorrow I'm gone. I'd rather not work, than sell myself short. That's just me, I won't extort. I have skills, and the knowledge required, to do anything your heart desires. Just give me that chance, and you'll agree, it's not much I ask, for the work that is me.