I hope to attest in the knowing of what it is I am showing in the verbiage I lay electronically as I'm flowing, going to take you on a trip from your screen inside your brains make you think of awesome things whilst you're driving through your car - ane - ee - um I think of some; sigh if you're not with it, then take a turn for the worst when you thinking of a watermelon bungalow first bursting with the freshest scents of inoculating sympathy, your reflection is being muffled by the diffuse in the atmosphere as it's taken back then scuffled.
It's fo the most official-est, I crest and detest, the thought of what I got is really what I think as it's best. Just incase you're on a busy business trip, concocting yokle jive; is this quip I've worded worthy of the applause from both your fives. Is the thoughts created upon symantically systematically cracking back with imagry from inside your mind's eye which is where I wish to see. If you find the cheddar unicorn save a couple bites for me.
If results are babies born a million to one, then the million baby march is almost ready to begun. Perhaps a zillion buckets of gravy is needed to feed and slather the walls with potatoes and all to feed indeed, as the world turns to profit, prophets dwindle among men. As the holes in the soffit are they really for pretend? like the holes in your argument, arguably they are unclear. So I write this to your face instead of whisper in your ear.