Sunday, December 27, 2015

holiday fallout folly

Morning after the day, the one after the one that happened before, Christmas; lyrically I'm inclined to insert the story yet unsure of how to make the possibilities the soar, I exaggerate festivities into uninterested unequivocal exasperations as such possibilities which could flatline your flatulence detracting from the tale of unexpected unintended flawless debauchery to say the least, it's uncontested yet stale.

 The story of the gift horse and how the gift giving race came to be, from gift giving beasts, like you and like me. Santy's got his claws on neutral, he's about to make a move. Got a gaggle of reindeer and all they shoe's is like smooth.

Wrapping paper madness makes the twitter babies rattle like a snake getting baked with the goat cheese bladder.  Put the tinsel on the tree, got a train set from Korea and it's kind of hard to read.

Got a pure bred Chinese poodle yet it's really hard to breed, instructions are in Mandarin all I practiced was Cantonese.

Bought a special present for my baby got a greasy goose indeed, distribution became irreversible the same thing goes for gluttony or f

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Happy Sauce

This is for everyone who is angry about something; theres no need for hostility, i'll share a couple words which can lead to virility, at least for moi, it's a natural trait I have, It's copious; as can be yours,  if you listen I will focus this, attention to the details of your angst as it may, befall you to see like Tom Hanks in the moving picture Castaway.

You too can be if not for being dubious, cast aside like yesterday's underwear,with all their funk and grooviness. Quite interested to know if your intestines chose to tell, all thoughts set aside, situation is a lol.

Why are you mad? Is it something that was said? Do you want to take an object and smash it against somebody' head? If so why not start with your own, maybe use a brick, if your mad at all is cause you are quite a fucking dick, or a cunt or an asshole, some kind of smutty choice, shut your mind off and just chill, it's really quiet, no noise!

Relax, there's no instant answer. There's no quick resolve, like acid melting matter only time will help dissolve, all of your problems such as your insecurities, scrupulous instability and inferior integrity. All will go away if you stop focusing your anger, instead think of positive, and all bad thoughts become endangered.

Learn something, open up, take a walk and have a talk. No easy way out, just deal with it.

Happy Sauce

Monday, December 7, 2015


When I see all of these people, and I see they're doing well, for a second, just a sec. I'm hella jelly, that is I'm jealous as hell! I shouldn't be, they all did it, they all made it just the same, for me it's my own fault,  of myself I am ashamed.

I should have been someone, but yet here I am, nothing to show for all my effort. The nothing I've grown into was unseen before it began. I thought i would have gone on, i felt as though i would. All the potential gone to waste now, could of used it on something good.

Everyone i know are acquaintances, my friends are nonexistent, only ones that ever contact me are those that need something, they're persistent.

I've got none to share my stories with, not a soul who truly cares, when i look over my back i see there's no one there.

Thanks for nothing.

Friday, November 27, 2015

IQ you

Im one quince away from crafting battle buttle where you stick your hand inside the jar before you become battered.

Frankly I'm flattered that you remembered my chin, for a second there I forgot to spin, round and round as the nonsense blasts out my mouth uncontrollably, I'm under control.

Mind my own business whilst I peer through the veil into yours.

Read my lips, I spilt the cheese on the chesterfield , I lost my floss quips, polyester festers filled.

I talk in words with zero attachment really, its considered an art form it's you whose quite silly.

A thousand years from now they will appreciate my brains, for I fear the common man is the one whose insane.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Some thoughts come to mind

Misguided apprehensions,
Misherd interpretations,
Misunderstood instructions,
Miscellaneous frustrations.

Unhindered understanding,
Undefined recognition,
Undiscovered abilities,
Unfathomable hostilities.

Fragmented philosophy,
Frosted autonomy,
Forced philanthropy,
Frustration equivocally.

Thoughtless engagements,
Thundrous privacy,
Theraputic arrogance,
Thoracic repugnance.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Got nothing to say of any worth,
I'm done with being down,
I'm riddled with mirth,
Got nothing to do except continue to clown.

Abra cadabra your brain is a cabbage,
Alla kazam your thoughts I have ravaged,
Carnal knowledge is my forte,
When it comes to extremities I'm considered above average.

Termites mulling, rotten logs,
Blazing facilities contribute to smog,
I'm as lazy as I am brazen,
Which is alot unlike a raisin.

Trying to hack into my reddit?
Got the wrong password?
Somebody get it!
Dont send me the email as though I care.

Try to look, just do not stare!


Friday, November 20, 2015

Fry Free Zone

Fornication equals equivalents of ecstasy and organization of organs grinding into each other, effortlessly as hard to soft becomes aloft, each other touching, yet oft they grow and expand to fit like a hand to a glove, some call it having sex, others call it making love. 

I love to make love, I'm a giver and a taker, either way no problem, I'm not one for fakers.
Prohibition in effect. Curfew has been set to stun. Where I'm going there's no need for guns.
Wore a wigwam to a shindig, didn't go well, yet to win big.

 Buy a tell tale sign of grimace, ride a gondola all around Venice. 
Venus fly trap, gonna go rice pudding.


Bad bread

Marginal errors lead to antiquitous falicies;
Broad spectrum analysis can cause galvinized malice see;
Grown gentlemen should know how to act accordingly;
Frowning wrong can become misconstude as annoyingly making faces.

I'm uptight because it feels right, and i dont want to be wrong;
It's alright, I'm unalarming with the gong, got it silenced;
Gunk in your head leads to dirty thoughts and a false persona;
Bunk in your bed allows for more bodies in a small space, instead of a lone ah.

It's almost like the world has shut me out, they don't care to hear my words;
Makes me want to scream and shout!;
You're doing it wrong! They say, yet I simply dissagree;
Am I the one that's wrong? Or are you acting wrong to me.

I am the walrus, I have the eye of the tiger;
I just haven't found a fight worth picking;
Doesn't mean I'm a miser;

Burnt toast.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Missing Claw

I bought a metal claw just to see if it was fun, all the fun that I was having was like making popcorn with the sun. I could pick things up at distances, I could pull myself to safety. But one day I lost my metal claw, the situation since has become crazy.

Now days I work with wood instead, my metal claw in the back of my head. I do things like L butts and T braces often encompass a set of extreme cases where diagonal cuts are attributed to hasten the safety and aesthetics of a fastener.

Prisms of light and exceptional productions excusing nefarious causing subduction which could seduce tectonic plates to rattle like a snake with a diamond back cursing the cattle with bites so venomous, man if I had my claw that snake would sure get it!

Vertical mechanics with hydraulic cylinders, moving through causation with extraction exerters, confusing conjecture with diversion converters.

If you've read thus far, then the plot is quite clear, I needed your eyes since I couldn't have you lend an ear. My claw no more, it's gone away like mythical beasts, who people long ago talked about, but are long gone sheesh.

Ice age upon us, El Nino quite fierce, Cloud cover caught us, my vision is near. My claw is long gone, as are my fears.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Grape Vine Extortionist

Optimism is half as hard to come by, as my tank is half full.
If you covered up the cabbage patch would those kids of been born still?
Am I the past tense of a distillery vessel, Retorted; since I can't seem to whistle,at my own expense.
Very many thistles in my yard, it's like a fizzle of french cutlery, what mutts of a distinct indecency.

Dauntless is the buttery expectation from extinction.
I eat to live, not the other way around, don't swivel my sounds.
Speaking in riddles, in rhymes for giggles, is more fun then speaking backwards drawing squiggles.
Over the point of caring about caring, my voice unheard, my thoughts I'm sharing.

Like chocolate drizzle upon thy tongue, I wish to lick, wish to taste the sun.
Days like today I'm grateful for things like the rain, my car got washed, as did my brain.
Hara hara dolly lama, got a gig in orange pajamas, wish I watched the show with all the grandmas.
Now I'll never know the way the panama canal smells, unless I go there, yeah like hell.

I heard it's hot, and very moist, like cake in the teeth.
Chewing toys, which are not the same as chewing toys, you see.
Your girl like a dog chewed the boys into frogs hopping away onto shopping mall logs.
Cause the books have been cooked, and the cash is neigh existent.

Mega negatory dude, got combination resistance, I've reached ceiling of expenditures,
No need for persistence, max health is unreached.
My libido expectations, Have yet to be reached how I wish.
The harder I get the harder it becomes, where do thoughts like this even come from?

Heard the word from a bird, before I blew out its brains, had to hide the body so I deep fried it instead
Chicken wing soup is a crazy idea, but raisins in the sun is a lazy idea, and it works.
Grapes and chirks of chittle like proportion, Why did that lady go and have all those abortions?
Why is the navy bean soup considered extortion upon eating?

Friday, November 6, 2015

Whay am I

According to the ranting of a gas station attendant  I am a freak, yet Im still not offended, the comment is meek. The fact shes been there forever whilst not yet the highest, her opinion a point that I find to be biased. Even if I am a freak, in the eye of the beholder, I used to be timid these days I'm far bolder.

Like  HP sauce I go great with a lot, except stupidity that makes me quite hot, in my temper theres no room for ignorance, there should be common sense. Yet people avoid it like owing a friend. Ghosting for giggles is like puking for fun, i cant understand it yet the lkids with their guns and bad behaviour and satirical waivers, people are crazy and its me thats the freak, and i guess youre a saviour?

Cheesey fizzle fuzz the puzzle  i just lost a freaking  muzzle. In a different state err state of mind it you whose cray and me that's blibd to the idiocracy you befuddle my dander with  multiple candles in all  kinds of stockings.

Im buttered

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Cuddle Monsters

As I sip from the sap off the sappiest sippers I adorn my cloth pockets with leather bound zippers, I'm entranced by the hollowness of the situation in entirety, inspiration perspires me to the point of exhaustion among desire see.

The sights of seers seen sitting and watching as I sit wishing, washing whippet stains from my newly acquired bike, stalking slithering towards me, my lack of quivering due to the fact it's unknown to me I should be dither, which I am and like a snake, bound upon me I did take.

Dirt can be a medium from which all spawns, but could it be said dirt is also the byproduct of doing, be it right or wrong? How is it everything can become both dirty and clean in the same moment, see, paradigms digging deep into you mind, my thoughts they creep, your sight they're now behind.

Ride the dipstick to the shin splinter shack where the sugar monster cooks using boogers and crap, but we love it cause it's sweet, even if we shouldn't eat, even if it's bad for us, we will always fill our cheeks.

My mind has eluded from the sap to the crap, and yet here I sit writing just to be back to that. Dismal are the events which became from such yodeling, hoover the hovercraft and let's get cuddling.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Pudding it out there

Yesterdays cussing turned out quite calm as my mind is so errattic from just ticking like a bomb, eventually the ingredients can only do so much, its the love that makes the difference not just what is in the cup. On the cusp of something extraordinary, tickle tonsils with two tongues, what would you call a ladder if it didnt contain rungs?

What use is a bladder if not filling full of piss? Why is it true what they say about ignorance being bliss? If i didnt know half of the things I know today, then I'd probably be happier instead of feeling gay. The connotations of such statements can lead a mind astray, like a coffee can full of ciggarette butts being used as an ashtray.

Todays emotions are quite equestrian to say the least, saddle up and hold your horses whilst I prepare a feast for your eyes to consume as your mind's put at ease, mind your manners if you can. Candle dinner light for one, if your dog had a baby boy would it be your grand dog son?


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Taste test

As i sit in my car and i just post to post cause i got nothing to do, aint got no party to host, i am bored of my life and this same old routine i just wish years ago these events i'd forseen, but no cant have it easy, and no cant be so sleezy. I just want a million dollars, and i know it cliche cheesey.

My life is less than ordinary, me not so much, i love doing things and creating at this point theres no rush to go ahead and do anything, as im standing in my hole. My mind is full of hope, the emptiness is in my soul. There's nothing to make me happy, theres no one who understands, not a soul that i have yet to find can match my likeness as its grand.

I want things to go smoothly but my lifes just like a movie, and the plot is like a tragedy based on something loosely kinda like nothing youve ever seen before, i cant get away cause i cant open the right door.

Now as i sit i think about giving in, giving up or just quitting cause im never gonna win, and that is nothing like me, its like my spirits broke, im like a pepsi cola im the opposite of coke.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Block Uppercut Jab Jab

Forget me not nor this is that if the waffles ate the tacos would the reindeer bother dancing in the cheese like custard hallows.

Ahem, now that we've cleared thy throat lets get down with the stock market and crack jokes like a crashing scheme if you bit off the white wall from tires would the teeth become clean? probably not if the jacking jerk off jockey spilled my coffee come and buy me what ever it is you said you got me.

 Its the thought that counts, but its a bit of a buckle. If we both talk in jibber jabber, my job gets all muddled, so you remain crazy and I'll try to find help.

Please don't heckle the butler, he's been through hell, yet he's all fine and dandy but dripping with butter, from dauntless battles with Baron Von Nutter. I'm still on my rocker, all is quite fine and dandy yet tipping coat costings can cover the candle with effortless encompassing indulgence like a scandal.

I wander to Wednesday from Friday and shutter, I remember a turkey, and dishes in a sink and a smell like a gutter, which lingered on for what felt like forever I think, I wondered if I'd ever wake up from said endeavor.

Now here I am and you and ever-ye one, and the sun if it's gone then the moon should be there taking it's place having fun. Squeezing melons is me favorite game, but bursting sea men is equally the same.

Night is day to some its the same but for others it's backwards, them not I do blame. Dukes of hazardous scenarios and rottenest, honestly Im a lattice, or was it lettuce, let me think, If I drive to the arena then that means I couldn't drink.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Oddling Yoddles

A comment to commence the commentary whilst I compensate for my absenteeism its like I been attending with such abstinence I have invisibly indivisible rhythm, obscene and intricately dedicated to be visual.

In an instance I'd assume that the images are arguably unequivocal just like your taste in fashion it's despicably unpredictable.

Dirickulous ain't the word that I mean to say, cause it's ridiculous the things that you think are okay, and it's conspicuous your tongue with the words you lay, in realistic tones with mythical groans the cracking of vacuums in between joints of bones.     

Quatrainical optimism spit in your ears through your eyes in your brain and then drown in your tears, life can be ruined or life can be saved, people are scared when its hard to be brave.

People are lame when its more work to be great, people are fat because they chose to be in a state of mass unequal equilibrium, sitting instead of walking, no worky like a split house condominium, choppy are these last words.

Sloppy has gotten my flow, not that I care to be effectively egotistical one must branch into dabbling with mystical mystifying metaphysical crystallizing of anatomical correctness that needs to be addressed with dismal results and bismuth reflecting like rainbow coloured insults.

Puke swallowed then repuked is like work followed by more work. Not to be like maliciously intentionally forward, speaking in riddles is like dancing in line, it's fun to do but unnecessary, and either way it's still fine.

Friday, June 12, 2015


I'm posting cause I'm seething with bubbles from air that has begun to spin round in a roundish kind of way whilst still spinning all around which is to say.

 Period can end with a nano byte of hype with the ceiling full of finger prints you're still yet to take a hike, you've found a way to stifle the type.

With the custard on the ceiling fan that's bound to make a mess, like a kitty and a camel kissing, swinging,sitting in a dress.

I'm off the couch and into the conch, Through the rafters and into the sconce, I whiffle the waffles whilst spell checker haunts, spelling words wrong to rhyme good between us is flaunt like the chinos in the lobby, or the bean men in the back.

With all the news of fairy tales you're eager to get started on you're own happily ever after that you kind of deserted the whole ideal of whole in itself it seems hallow, your soul is as thick as amber pie in the middle of the end.

If you were me and I were you would we still see eye to eye like as not we  do. Would you laughed as I cried, would you huff as I sighed?


Saturday, May 23, 2015

Snaggle Snoof

Forgotten with time, Lost beyond lines, Obvious the obliviousness is mine;

I am without directions, Knowing not where to go, Following the path always further from my home;

Make what you will from that which you do, Forget what others say, Possibilities up to you;

Dumb founded is the place I once stood to listen, Ideas like water, When the sun shines they glisten;

Anesthesia creates the feel of being numb, Even though the pain persists, Neurons tell me that there's none;

Having nothing to say is worst than being mute, Being tone deaf is bad if you play the flute, Tasty and flavourful is the flesh of rotting fruit.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Hypotenuse Stammer

Attracted at the inciting desire to win, when ego speaks loud enough, admiration dissolves the sin-sations felt from deep inside, keeping secrets is the unspeaking of what it is to hide. I have none more for which to behold, I spoke aloud, and stood quite bold. What is this undoing that could possibly be, the matter at hand is the issue with me.

This issue I'm sure that I'm equally unsure the outcome is certain, its the actions that can spur up startling retribution in the form of a hoax, love or lust can be misguiding, both compile to coax you into states of dissolution, separated by constant evolution of thought. It's this protrusion that put you on spot as the world come crumbling down around you, and even still if you're left in the wake than you're not heading for the hills, in which case sit tight and prepare to be judged.

Living elsewhere can create quite a buzz, living in fear can consume you with fuzz as the real world observes with dauntlessness unrelenting in scores or three to a trillion and what's worse is more and more of the world is slowly drying like paint, if we don't hurry up then we'll never escape. As the vacuum gets stronger, the forces expose that the little things in life like the symbol on your clothes, or the name of the person who originally designed the pants that you're wearing to cover your behind doesn't really matter, what matter's is what's real.

What is real is the question you ask as I feel, the need to explain with exclusion of truth, is the life that we live is like the view from the caboose. At the end we see everything behind us that's past, if we stand on the top then we can see at last, that the tracks up ahead lead into a ravine, should I wait or just jump, in the air should I scream?

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Post mortem

As another day comes to a close, the inner loser I am becomes exposed;
The intrinsic avoidance I am used to portraying a change that I have chose;
A change for the best, that is my hope, my voice is my rope;
Every lie I ever told a knot that could weaken the life line I am using to cope;
Dangling in space, the darkness that surrounds, I don't know what's really out there, but I can guess from all the sounds;
Echos from the lost voices, my own truths are many choices;
Will I ever escape the hate that I've scraped effortlessly like gum pressed into pavement, blackened over time, the harder it's pressed the thinner it gets, coated with grime.

Nothing but a series of questions I find myself asking aloud;
Answers slowly come to me, the more I hear the less I am proud;
The less pride I feel, the more the angst sets in;
All I ever did before is because I just wanted to win;
I made choices that had high stakes, return on investment very low;
Never thought I'd be cashing in, but now that I have, I must reap what I sow.

I was once broken, pieces scattered amongst the stars;
Now I have to go collect them, traveling both near and far;
I regret many of my choices, I told myself I'd never regret;
The more time went on the less I felt whole, and the more I became upset;
Picking up the pieces, some are shattered, some are lost, probably never be the same again, and I ask at what cost?

Perhaps the pieces missing are the ones I no longer wanted;
I can make new pieces up, become better instead of haunted;
Daunting is the process, elimination is the state, where my present and the future must come together to create;
Now the new me is quite suiting, I just have to keep it up, pull myself back together if I want to fill my cup;
Tomorrow is another day, a brand new fresh start, at the end of tomorrow I hope my repertoire is like fine art.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Bitter Pill to Swallow

Been someone else for so long I forgot how myself feels, Guess that's what I get when I let go of the wheel. Guess that I forgot that my own life was so real that the one that I invented became plastic it revealed that the person that I thought I was was truly not the truth. Only took a single moment for the fake me to go poof. Only took some time in solitude to understand my spoof.

I am doing away with the smoke and mirrors, allowing only sunlight in to ensure I see clear. I am ridding of the darkness that consumed my entire being, breaking all the chains away allowing only freeing. As I make strides towards a better me I understand the hurt, caused by all my actions and those I treated as just dirt.

But remember this taking into consideration all my running through the fields was like the plowing for integrating. Dirt is such an understated medium for growing, only everything that grows needs something to start the flowing. My foundation has been rough and completion is quite near, Only want to grow the greatest, ridding all the field of fear.

I am past the point of being so mindless, its demanding. I've got to do what's needed if there's room left for expanding. I depended on the dependency of a lack of independence, now my actions are endeavors for reactions to my penance. I will only make the choices that have outcomes that are greater than the one I made before, which left nothing but a crater.

I wish only to grow big and strong, up to the sky, and then beyond. I know there were sacrifices made along the way, but the painful march towards progress is to take the hurt and stay. I am more real now than I have been in forever, sucks it had to come to this, but I'm only getting better.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sweet and short

I've been floating about on the jetsam of life, when I stopped just to ponder why it is with such stifling profound prolific articulation that my memory conjures images created with half the facts of limited information which in it self is quite limitless.

Congeniality can be venomous depending on the stability of which it is laid for such dismal thoughts can be that which sway entire generations from happiness towards dismay. Now if I may for a moment portray my own conjecture indeed it is the thing that can levitate hectares of nothing.

If you only believe, that's is at least half the battle, twice in one week. If disapproval is what you seek than sleuth forward, because the only direction everything is truly going is in a downward spiral. I be showing you how to do the thing that you do when the soup spoon is too big use the hole in a screw.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

sparkle factory

A toast for the post that I post the most when I post as I do whilst I'm giving this toast.

A full grown grin towards the man whose tragically hip so if he learns that he will turn the flop before it flips, tighten up my lips because the case for the vase has begun like the chundle king  and if you're wondering, the taste that I'm seeming to thread like I'm seaming the edge is vunder zing.

Neolithic tidal wave plunders through the under pinned equity line that you'll find is quite ehh-quit quietly I'll see something somewhere has to  give if the normal apparatus is the under quilt and sieve, then the system is flawed, and the whole sign is a drill of the entire empire, as retirees ride and they spin in their hover round, floating above ground riding through town.

Now the temperatures low and the slipping on the ground has a chance in which the index has entirely spun round, releasing statements unclaimed by the slippages and limitless understanding left made, from pretext without recourse and what's still is unlaid retorts that are half made and under grade.

A toast I say, A toast to the least of the queasiest host without quizzerifict feats.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Centurian Post

This one here this marks the hundredth post I've made,
How many words I've laid, the verbs I've displayed,
I'm thinking about taking this to another forum,
Presently I'm unscared of what it is I'm in for, or is it foreign.

Policy dictates unadulterated bliss in the wink of an eye,
Yet in the flick of a wrist the aspects of which were formidable to say the least,
Are they sitting on the bottom, or are they indulging on the feast.
Carpet makers marking up markets in the midst of a saturated carpet market, try to bark that.

I can nae say for which it is I do know that I do not,
If the farmer herds the sheep, and the shepherds grow the crops,
What a mixed up place would not you agree?
If so then why let bygones just be?

Why not stir up the pot, pound the ground,
Get the goulash a slip slosh slopping around,
If you eat a whole pound cake would you gain a whole pound?
Mental lost, or perhaps just yet to be found.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Crystal Quest Junction

One more time, one last quest, before I go and blow my LSAT test, I haven't ever studied for, too busy wasting time being bored. Wishing I was adored yet underestimate the stress that comes with being on the other side of that which I strive to achieve, success. Knowing in my very core that inside me there is greatness, I just struggle to see how it is I will unlock this potential yet I'm relentless.

 I call it as I see, I see the things that haven't happened yet, I see that there is me. I am the one that can be incredible yet awesomely awkward, and it's inevitable, the dubious delight that you ever heard of, I'm talking about me, that's right.

Rushing through life I stumble upon a website running into my Russian wife, apparently she's waiting for me at the other end of my soon to be marriage slash girlfriend unfriendliest pending documentation to be demonstrating the narcoleptic attempt to live life the way we shape it to be, and even when it doesn't that doesn't ever matter cause we got another cousin, or friend to expend go ahead have at er.

Cause experience speaks volumes, inexplicably delicious, I just bought a new aquarium but haven't got the fishes. I just brought the Peruvian chocolate which melted on the dishes. Now my new Egyptian shirts got brown and I bet it tastes exquisite.

I do digress cause the neanderthal part of my brain makes me detest to the thought of a society where civil unrest is created purposely to be debated and demonstrate in the public and surely it's sure that in the alley way it goes down, but never the less accepted, which makes my brow frown.

Flubbity blubba, crub rub dubbity dubb, I spent two nights in the shower but never stepped foot in a tub. Tuppy tip top tottle, tattle in the dark, when the crazzle comes a cramming hopefully it leaves no mark.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Figured Out

Thought I had it figured out.
Thought I had it understood.
Thought it was set in solid stone.
Thought soon it would all be good.

Turns out it didn't work that way.
Turns out I might not be okay.
Turns out the things I thought were great were a lie.
Turns out the guy was truly sly.

No idea what to do.
No problem for those who don't see through.
No plan too good.
No plan should of been used.

I guess for this purpose precaution should, be taken.
I guess when it comes down to it, it's the people that keep breaking, promises.
I guess in hindsight I should have made, better decisions.
I guess the positive in the issue is the conclusion.