Friday, November 27, 2015

IQ you

Im one quince away from crafting battle buttle where you stick your hand inside the jar before you become battered.

Frankly I'm flattered that you remembered my chin, for a second there I forgot to spin, round and round as the nonsense blasts out my mouth uncontrollably, I'm under control.

Mind my own business whilst I peer through the veil into yours.

Read my lips, I spilt the cheese on the chesterfield , I lost my floss quips, polyester festers filled.

I talk in words with zero attachment really, its considered an art form it's you whose quite silly.

A thousand years from now they will appreciate my brains, for I fear the common man is the one whose insane.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Some thoughts come to mind

Misguided apprehensions,
Misherd interpretations,
Misunderstood instructions,
Miscellaneous frustrations.

Unhindered understanding,
Undefined recognition,
Undiscovered abilities,
Unfathomable hostilities.

Fragmented philosophy,
Frosted autonomy,
Forced philanthropy,
Frustration equivocally.

Thoughtless engagements,
Thundrous privacy,
Theraputic arrogance,
Thoracic repugnance.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Got nothing to say of any worth,
I'm done with being down,
I'm riddled with mirth,
Got nothing to do except continue to clown.

Abra cadabra your brain is a cabbage,
Alla kazam your thoughts I have ravaged,
Carnal knowledge is my forte,
When it comes to extremities I'm considered above average.

Termites mulling, rotten logs,
Blazing facilities contribute to smog,
I'm as lazy as I am brazen,
Which is alot unlike a raisin.

Trying to hack into my reddit?
Got the wrong password?
Somebody get it!
Dont send me the email as though I care.

Try to look, just do not stare!


Friday, November 20, 2015

Fry Free Zone

Fornication equals equivalents of ecstasy and organization of organs grinding into each other, effortlessly as hard to soft becomes aloft, each other touching, yet oft they grow and expand to fit like a hand to a glove, some call it having sex, others call it making love. 

I love to make love, I'm a giver and a taker, either way no problem, I'm not one for fakers.
Prohibition in effect. Curfew has been set to stun. Where I'm going there's no need for guns.
Wore a wigwam to a shindig, didn't go well, yet to win big.

 Buy a tell tale sign of grimace, ride a gondola all around Venice. 
Venus fly trap, gonna go rice pudding.


Bad bread

Marginal errors lead to antiquitous falicies;
Broad spectrum analysis can cause galvinized malice see;
Grown gentlemen should know how to act accordingly;
Frowning wrong can become misconstude as annoyingly making faces.

I'm uptight because it feels right, and i dont want to be wrong;
It's alright, I'm unalarming with the gong, got it silenced;
Gunk in your head leads to dirty thoughts and a false persona;
Bunk in your bed allows for more bodies in a small space, instead of a lone ah.

It's almost like the world has shut me out, they don't care to hear my words;
Makes me want to scream and shout!;
You're doing it wrong! They say, yet I simply dissagree;
Am I the one that's wrong? Or are you acting wrong to me.

I am the walrus, I have the eye of the tiger;
I just haven't found a fight worth picking;
Doesn't mean I'm a miser;

Burnt toast.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Missing Claw

I bought a metal claw just to see if it was fun, all the fun that I was having was like making popcorn with the sun. I could pick things up at distances, I could pull myself to safety. But one day I lost my metal claw, the situation since has become crazy.

Now days I work with wood instead, my metal claw in the back of my head. I do things like L butts and T braces often encompass a set of extreme cases where diagonal cuts are attributed to hasten the safety and aesthetics of a fastener.

Prisms of light and exceptional productions excusing nefarious causing subduction which could seduce tectonic plates to rattle like a snake with a diamond back cursing the cattle with bites so venomous, man if I had my claw that snake would sure get it!

Vertical mechanics with hydraulic cylinders, moving through causation with extraction exerters, confusing conjecture with diversion converters.

If you've read thus far, then the plot is quite clear, I needed your eyes since I couldn't have you lend an ear. My claw no more, it's gone away like mythical beasts, who people long ago talked about, but are long gone sheesh.

Ice age upon us, El Nino quite fierce, Cloud cover caught us, my vision is near. My claw is long gone, as are my fears.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Grape Vine Extortionist

Optimism is half as hard to come by, as my tank is half full.
If you covered up the cabbage patch would those kids of been born still?
Am I the past tense of a distillery vessel, Retorted; since I can't seem to whistle,at my own expense.
Very many thistles in my yard, it's like a fizzle of french cutlery, what mutts of a distinct indecency.

Dauntless is the buttery expectation from extinction.
I eat to live, not the other way around, don't swivel my sounds.
Speaking in riddles, in rhymes for giggles, is more fun then speaking backwards drawing squiggles.
Over the point of caring about caring, my voice unheard, my thoughts I'm sharing.

Like chocolate drizzle upon thy tongue, I wish to lick, wish to taste the sun.
Days like today I'm grateful for things like the rain, my car got washed, as did my brain.
Hara hara dolly lama, got a gig in orange pajamas, wish I watched the show with all the grandmas.
Now I'll never know the way the panama canal smells, unless I go there, yeah like hell.

I heard it's hot, and very moist, like cake in the teeth.
Chewing toys, which are not the same as chewing toys, you see.
Your girl like a dog chewed the boys into frogs hopping away onto shopping mall logs.
Cause the books have been cooked, and the cash is neigh existent.

Mega negatory dude, got combination resistance, I've reached ceiling of expenditures,
No need for persistence, max health is unreached.
My libido expectations, Have yet to be reached how I wish.
The harder I get the harder it becomes, where do thoughts like this even come from?

Heard the word from a bird, before I blew out its brains, had to hide the body so I deep fried it instead
Chicken wing soup is a crazy idea, but raisins in the sun is a lazy idea, and it works.
Grapes and chirks of chittle like proportion, Why did that lady go and have all those abortions?
Why is the navy bean soup considered extortion upon eating?

Friday, November 6, 2015

Whay am I

According to the ranting of a gas station attendant  I am a freak, yet Im still not offended, the comment is meek. The fact shes been there forever whilst not yet the highest, her opinion a point that I find to be biased. Even if I am a freak, in the eye of the beholder, I used to be timid these days I'm far bolder.

Like  HP sauce I go great with a lot, except stupidity that makes me quite hot, in my temper theres no room for ignorance, there should be common sense. Yet people avoid it like owing a friend. Ghosting for giggles is like puking for fun, i cant understand it yet the lkids with their guns and bad behaviour and satirical waivers, people are crazy and its me thats the freak, and i guess youre a saviour?

Cheesey fizzle fuzz the puzzle  i just lost a freaking  muzzle. In a different state err state of mind it you whose cray and me that's blibd to the idiocracy you befuddle my dander with  multiple candles in all  kinds of stockings.

Im buttered

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Cuddle Monsters

As I sip from the sap off the sappiest sippers I adorn my cloth pockets with leather bound zippers, I'm entranced by the hollowness of the situation in entirety, inspiration perspires me to the point of exhaustion among desire see.

The sights of seers seen sitting and watching as I sit wishing, washing whippet stains from my newly acquired bike, stalking slithering towards me, my lack of quivering due to the fact it's unknown to me I should be dither, which I am and like a snake, bound upon me I did take.

Dirt can be a medium from which all spawns, but could it be said dirt is also the byproduct of doing, be it right or wrong? How is it everything can become both dirty and clean in the same moment, see, paradigms digging deep into you mind, my thoughts they creep, your sight they're now behind.

Ride the dipstick to the shin splinter shack where the sugar monster cooks using boogers and crap, but we love it cause it's sweet, even if we shouldn't eat, even if it's bad for us, we will always fill our cheeks.

My mind has eluded from the sap to the crap, and yet here I sit writing just to be back to that. Dismal are the events which became from such yodeling, hoover the hovercraft and let's get cuddling.