Saturday, April 5, 2014

Ele mentality

nearing a thousand views, I need to start arousing thy muse;
quantified allegorical disposition, causality fishing;
efficiently deficient defunct as an intermission;
my mission is to move you, get your brain cells exuberantly excited;
unfortunately juxtaposition we set in is the same one we decided.

wanting more so, and the lore's though;
ready still now is the chores so;
doing work that's inherently inert;
keeping dirt from becoming stained by the cleanness of my shirt.

shallow sherpa shepherd shill, bring me summit peppers with your pepper finding skill;
atop the mountain in the elevation while you breathing and you chill;
shish ka shoot ka bango blowing the magic flute like django;
grow me some beans that will make me astute obscenity seems to be at my root.

scoop a barrel of aardvark harrow;
but be careful, quite dangerous, defining the word peril;
adversity is sterile, sterility is lifeless;
creatures with odd features can make them just like this.

seagull statue won't soar with the eagles, most unfortunate;
can kill if dropped from high enough, or if swallowed try to avoid it;
ideas can be regal, legality quite questionable;
emphasis on detestable, embarking on a festival. 

why does the moon care if monsoons and tidal waves are a pair of crashing croons;
both of them hiding boons anyway you try to look where;
why does the water fight with the fire can they get along despite their;
differential purposes, one gives and one takes, both can cleanse on purpose, or kill by mistake.

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