Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sweet and short

I've been floating about on the jetsam of life, when I stopped just to ponder why it is with such stifling profound prolific articulation that my memory conjures images created with half the facts of limited information which in it self is quite limitless.

Congeniality can be venomous depending on the stability of which it is laid for such dismal thoughts can be that which sway entire generations from happiness towards dismay. Now if I may for a moment portray my own conjecture indeed it is the thing that can levitate hectares of nothing.

If you only believe, that's is at least half the battle, twice in one week. If disapproval is what you seek than sleuth forward, because the only direction everything is truly going is in a downward spiral. I be showing you how to do the thing that you do when the soup spoon is too big use the hole in a screw.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

sparkle factory

A toast for the post that I post the most when I post as I do whilst I'm giving this toast.

A full grown grin towards the man whose tragically hip so if he learns that he will turn the flop before it flips, tighten up my lips because the case for the vase has begun like the chundle king  and if you're wondering, the taste that I'm seeming to thread like I'm seaming the edge is vunder zing.

Neolithic tidal wave plunders through the under pinned equity line that you'll find is quite ehh-quit quietly I'll see something somewhere has to  give if the normal apparatus is the under quilt and sieve, then the system is flawed, and the whole sign is a drill of the entire empire, as retirees ride and they spin in their hover round, floating above ground riding through town.

Now the temperatures low and the slipping on the ground has a chance in which the index has entirely spun round, releasing statements unclaimed by the slippages and limitless understanding left made, from pretext without recourse and what's still is unlaid retorts that are half made and under grade.

A toast I say, A toast to the least of the queasiest host without quizzerifict feats.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Centurian Post

This one here this marks the hundredth post I've made,
How many words I've laid, the verbs I've displayed,
I'm thinking about taking this to another forum,
Presently I'm unscared of what it is I'm in for, or is it foreign.

Policy dictates unadulterated bliss in the wink of an eye,
Yet in the flick of a wrist the aspects of which were formidable to say the least,
Are they sitting on the bottom, or are they indulging on the feast.
Carpet makers marking up markets in the midst of a saturated carpet market, try to bark that.

I can nae say for which it is I do know that I do not,
If the farmer herds the sheep, and the shepherds grow the crops,
What a mixed up place would not you agree?
If so then why let bygones just be?

Why not stir up the pot, pound the ground,
Get the goulash a slip slosh slopping around,
If you eat a whole pound cake would you gain a whole pound?
Mental lost, or perhaps just yet to be found.