Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Happy Sauce

This is for everyone who is angry about something; theres no need for hostility, i'll share a couple words which can lead to virility, at least for moi, it's a natural trait I have, It's copious; as can be yours,  if you listen I will focus this, attention to the details of your angst as it may, befall you to see like Tom Hanks in the moving picture Castaway.

You too can be if not for being dubious, cast aside like yesterday's underwear,with all their funk and grooviness. Quite interested to know if your intestines chose to tell, all thoughts set aside, situation is a lol.

Why are you mad? Is it something that was said? Do you want to take an object and smash it against somebody' head? If so why not start with your own, maybe use a brick, if your mad at all is cause you are quite a fucking dick, or a cunt or an asshole, some kind of smutty choice, shut your mind off and just chill, it's really quiet, no noise!

Relax, there's no instant answer. There's no quick resolve, like acid melting matter only time will help dissolve, all of your problems such as your insecurities, scrupulous instability and inferior integrity. All will go away if you stop focusing your anger, instead think of positive, and all bad thoughts become endangered.

Learn something, open up, take a walk and have a talk. No easy way out, just deal with it.

Happy Sauce

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