Sunday, March 30, 2014

Imagination Station

Hello to Earth from inside my brain, when the synapses snap the neurons will explain, that the feeling I get is a chemical release when in fact is the stack of thoughts from within my inner beast.

There's a momentary lapse when the future and the past come together in the present, presently its kinda slapped, altogether the formality doesn't really last, it's the reality statistical causality I scrapped.

Dry cut, wet cut what's the difference, can you see it? after all the outcome's finished can we agree to disagree that pig's don't fly nigh do ostriches or penguins. Mr.Popper had a jalapeno door stopper for stopping, didn't stop him from getting caught hustling and hopping.

Hop along Harry now the time is nearing paradox, doctor schoel's shoes do you think they're comfy  without socks? Parachute, paradigm, para diddle paddle, beat box full of treats, now I'm here to feed the cattle. 

Gonna loosen up a bit treating words to be like zingers, what's up with that kid. Causeless harm with a jar full of bee stingers, rest assure it's safe just like some olden ravioli, sitting on a park bench eating jello wearing moldy goalie, gear on, gonna stop the raw tomatoes from their jeer pawns.

Pistachios though through their trajectory are nearing what it is I'm fearing could be a hospitable hostility all depends on where you're stance is or if your a literally sitting littering.

If the shell's deflect from hitting upside your face, hopefully you are considering moving your positional place, you may need to be conditioned to react and retract before making a decision about moving right back .

Holy molly, my mind is running around it's kind of stunning, how I sound when I'm just cunning tryna ground what is becoming, ultrasounds refracting like echolocation contracting, catch a bat and teach it to preach and practice acting.

Train of thought has stopped, this here is where I drop, all the baggage theatrics that I've manifested in this cream of the crop, imagination station is the place this all takes place, on the screen is where you read it right in front of your face.

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