Monday, December 29, 2014

Coupon Bandit Shoelace Snowflake

four more posts and I'm done posting here, four more to reach a hundy.

Now I'm on to other things like music making and wearing fundies,

The underwear for couples at play and eating sundaes don't go together or do they?

Stood in front of a very tiny crowd, spoke my thoughts and disappeared into a cloud of smoke,

I did not choke, my throat was like a roaring lion, and the words that I wrote had meaning that poked,

At the very being of those in earshot, if something is opaque is it clear that it is not?

my hands are washed of all the things I did and said, no matter the cost.

My pizza and me are both heavily sauced.

Just getting to learn this fame thing, gotta get a grip.

Like a hot cup of tea you can't gulp, you gotta take a sip.

Like a long pee you waited to take when you're on a road trip.

Just a few of these things I can compare, just a few of these things I cannot share.

Holy moly, I like to soley digress back to the thing that originally made me depressed,

it's not there right now, and hasn't been for a little while,

In the cabinet of my mood I can't seem to find the file,

with the paper that had meaning and the vacuum made for cleaning,

particularly its particular, if you stood adjacent you'd be perpendicular.

you know what just face it, you're a shin sickle splinter left from the residue of a banana foot sprinter.

split the difference and send it into space with the garbage and the fodder and the rest of the place.

what do I care anymore, I could leave it all behind.

if there's me just by myself can I use a two can dine?

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