Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Changing Face

Surgery of the face rearranging all that space between your neck and your hair, disfigured features just in case. Making yourself someone that you weren't until you are, by then probably changed and scarred, eventually you are by far, that person you were not before the surgery you got, now the person that you be is unfamiliar to me.

When I look into the mirror in my dreams I see my fears, and it seems that the pain I went through wasn't real, as the dream me comes to tears, I am how I once was, why can't i just wake up, I know that I am not like what this does.

Purgatory of emotions, spent devotion al la carte, come and get some allegory before it dissipates and starts, turning things that meant another into things that mean nadda thing at all. When I fade into self loathing leaving nothing when I fall.

Was it worth it, I do think so. Spent time analyzing thoughts, when I've come to the conclusion who I am is what I've got. Now I've got amazing talent, let's up the ante side by side, when my ego catches up I promise you're in for a wild ride. When my budget catches up that ride gets ludicrous insane, when technology catches up that means we're living in a dream. When reality catches up, I don't think we'll ever be the same. When the withdrawal catches up, the universe is long gone by then.

Only got one life so live it, love it, do things that amaze. Never leave a chance to chance because the chance will turn you to a slave. Be master of your own mind, like magenta is real bright, when it comes time to make choices, hope you choose fight over flight. Hope you choose to do the wrong things so you learn what choice was right, maybe next time you will know, never know when time is right.

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